Δύο άρθρα Τούρκων δημοσιογράφων για το Κυπριακό και τη Λύση Αννάν.

Το πρώτο άρθρο είναι του Mehmed Ali Birand, μετριοπαθούς δημοσιογράφου με επιρροή, και το δεύτερο είναι του Gunduz Aktan, που θα μπορούσαμε να πούμε ότι είναι από τα "γεράκια" στους δημοσιογραφικούς κύκλους. Και οι δύο αυτές γνώμες γράφτηκαν στις 16 Νοεμβρίου, ενώ αξιοσημείωτο είναι ότι μόλις μία ημέρα αργότερα, ο αρχηγός του Ισλαμικού Κόμματος που διαθέτει αυτοδυναμία στην Τούρκικη βουλή, δήλωσε δημόσια ακριβώς το ίδιο με την άποψη του Aktan. «μόνο εάν εισαχθεί η Τουρκία στην ΕΕ, θα υποστηρίξει λύση του Κυπριακού». Δεν μπορούμε να γνωρίζουμε αν αυτή η στάση της επίσημης Τουρκίας είναι ουσιαστική ή μόνο για τις διαπραγματεύσεις, όμως είναι αξιοσημείωτο απλά και μόνο ως γεγονός.



In Cyprus Turks have won

The Cyprus package presented by the United Nations finishes off a 50-years-old problem by acknowledging legally the basic theses of the Turkish side. This package crowns the efforts of those who have devoted years to this cause, Denktas especially

Regardless of arguments to the contrary, the Cyprus plan put on the table by United Nations Secretary-General Annan is a victory for the Turks. The Turkish Cypriots and Ankara should show make their pleasure known without suffering from any complexes, without feeling any need to hide it.

Pay attention and you will see that the traditionally pessimistic ones are speaking out against the plan in a haste. Since they know that they would not be able to survive without the Cyprus problem they describe Kofi Annan's proposals for a solution as his way of "deceiving Turkey".

What they want is a continuation of the Cyprus problem, further poisoning Turkey's relations with the West. They would "feed" on that, having a field day in a Turkey that has been isolated from the world.

In order to obtain that result they have started doing all they can to prevent a solution in Cyprus. The orchestra conducted by the Ecevit-Gurel duo is not really being taken into consideration because its voice is at a low level. However, soon enough, there will be similar other choirs and they will start chanting, "We have been sold out!"

In his column last Wednesday Ertugrul Ozkok referred to an extremely important fact: The Cyprus we used to know does not exist anymore. That Cyprus has become a thing of the past. A new Cyprus is being built. This is, in fact, what inspires hope.

How right Ozkok is.

This is the time to get rid of the past.

However, I am carrying this one step further. I am claiming that the Cyprus that is going to be built anew is going to be a Turkish victory.

Have we forgotten how much ground we have covered?

Just remember where we were during the 1960-1974 period.

We were a minority spread to all parts of the island, living under a constant blockade, tired of the raids staged by the EOKA organization, a minority which had no place to go.

In fact, that was why Turkey intervened in 1974, didn't it? The Turkish army landed on the island only with the aim of bringing to an end the persistent, erroneous and totally unjust practices of the Greeks and the Greek Cypriots.

However, that military intervention has not been legally accepted over the past 28 years. The international community has not found in justified. Therefore no one has recognized the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC). An embargo has been imposed on it and it has remained poor. In the end, the persistence of the KKTC and Turkey's support have yielded fruit.

Hence the historic importance of Kofi Annan's proposal which brings that period to an end and gives the Turkish side its rights:

* The KKTC is being accepted as a component state.

* The Turkish Cypriots are being given the right to self-determination as a whole in one specific region.

* The Republic of Cyprus -- that the Greek Cypriots had -- is being dissolved and a new Cyprus is being established, a Cyprus in which the Turks would take part and govern on an equal basis.

* A Turk will be able to become the president of the Greek Cypriots.

* Turkey continues to "guarantee" the security of the Turkish Cypriots.

* Turkish Cypriots are being provided with the means to enrich themselves.

If all these do not constitute a victory, what would?

In 1974 the Greek Cypriots had "lost" on a de facto basis. Now, these losses are being put down on record legally.

Denktas's dreams have been fulfilled.

Still, there can be bargaining on the territory-migrants issues, try to improve the conditions. However, that "solution package" fulfils the Turkish expectations to such an extent that it cannot be rejected as a whole. It should be known that no package of this kind will be available ever in the future.

We should be crying out, celebrating the victory, rather than wailing.



Solution in Cyprus

Initial reaction from both sides to Kofi Annan's Cyprus plan has been positive. It could be misleading to reach a final conclusion before thoroughly examining the plan. But it is still possible to speculate on the basis of parts of the plan leaked to the press.

First, let me point out a disturbing point. Greek-Greek Cypriot press has been discussing the plan for the last two weeks. As if the plan has been shown to them and they have been consulted in advance. However, the Turkish side has almost no information on it. It seems a serious discrimination has been done against the Turkish side. The U.N. officials must have made some last-minute changes in the text in favor of Greek Cypriots to prevent a vote against the plan in a future Greek Cypriot referendum. Perhaps it was because the Greek Cypriot authorities, believing too much that they were right and relying too much on Greece's powerful position within the EU, had not prepared the Greek Cypriot public for a just settlement.

On the other hand, as a result of an EU campaign that has been underway for a while and eagerly backed by some Turkish newspaper columnists, Turkish Cypriots were ready to make any sacrifice for a solution and EU membership. They were made forget the fact that most of the problems stem from the world's most extensive embargo backed by the EU, while Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktas and Turkey were shown responsible for the failure to reach a solution due to "rigid" stance.

In addition, the EU, acting on the premise that the poll winner Justice and Development Party (AK Party) needs foreign backing to gain legitimacy, might have thought that the Turkish side could make further concessions in Cyprus in return for its backing for the AK Party government and have influenced the United Nations in this line.

Equation for solution in Cyprus has already been known. The Turkish side acquired lands unproportional to its population as a result of 1974 military intervention. Therefore, it has to make concessions on land distribution. Greek Cypriot side has already been granted international acknowledgement. Therefore, it has to make concessions on matters concerning the state structure.

There have been comments that the way Annan plan is formulated is not very much in line with theses of Mr. Denktas and the Turkish Foreign Ministry that the new Cyprus state (if it is new at all) will be based on equal sovereignty of two nations and the decision-making mechanism concerning the EU affairs will be constructed upon the principle of political equality.

According to reports leaked to the press, Annan suggests two alternative models on land division. In both of them, the Turkish side is offered a portion of Cypriot territory slightly above 28 percent. As a result, most of fertile agricultural areas and water sources are no longer to be controlled by Turks. What is even more unbelievable is that 90 percent of Famagusta is to be left to Greek Cypriots under both options. Some 50-60,000 Turks living in the territory to be handed over to Greek Cypriots will have move to Turkish-controlled region. In addition, Greek Cypriot population in the Turkish section will gradually increase to 20 percent in 20 years, with return of Greek Cypriots constituting at most one percent of the Turkish population every year. This figure may go up to 33 percent. In this case, there is a serious danger that bi-zonality may disappear.

Excessive sacrifices the Turkish side is expected to make disturbs the balance in take-and-give process to a large extent. It seems negotiations to be held in the future will hardly correct this.

Another important point is the linkage between Cyprus problem and Turkey's EU membership. If the parties agree on provisions of Annan plan on land and state structure by Dec. 12, then Cyprus will be admitted as a member as if the issue is resolved. Whether Turkey will be given an unconditional calendar for the beginning of accession talks is still a mystery, on the other hand. EU Commission President Romano Prodi and EU Commissioner responsible for enlargement Guenther Verheugen's remarks are highly pessimist.

Indeed, no government could convince Turkey to accept the plan if it is not given an unconditional date for beginning of talks, despite the progress achieved so far. And it would be the EU officials to be blamed for the tension to emerge as a consequence.

Indeed, even an unconditional date is insufficient. Solution process in Cyprus could not be completed in Cyprus before Turkey becomes a member. That is, Turkish forces in the island should not be downsized before our membership, the three freedoms should be postponed and Cyprus should grant the same privileges and rights to Turkey that it would bestow upon the other guarantor states, Greece and Britain, under the principle of "the most favored nation" stipulated in Article 23 of the 1960 Constitution.





